Nice to meet you 👋
I'm Avyay Kashyap, but you can call me Avy :)

I'm currently pursuing my masters in Human Computer Interaction Design at Indiana University Bloomington. I have previously worked at Reliance Jio as a UX Designer and graduated with a Dual Degree in Interaction Design from Indian Institute of Technology Bombay.

Doodling on school tables started a domino effect that led to designing engaging experiences with emergent technologies. I have previously conducted HCI research to discover insights and design solutions for marginalised communities. My interests include designing for health-tech, operationalising user delight & engagement, and accessibility research.

The devil lies in the details, and my goal is to find the devil. After several years of design school, micro-interactions is a way of life. Delving deep to understand the “why” behind human behaviour and the “how” of technology application is my modus operandi.
Outside of design, I am an avid Formula One fan. I enjoy the racing and all the drama that accompanies the sport, but am greatly fascinated by the creative and technical solutions the teams conjure and follow strategy calls within the race through gritted teeth. I play a bit of football and ultimate frisbee when I can, binge dramas on HBO, and try, but fail, to get cinematic shots with my Tello drone. You can reach out to me via mail or on social media.