Welcome to Play ▶️ This is stuff I do outside of my projects.
I write about design and sometimes pour my heart out (only when emotionally vulnerable).
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Rants and 3AM thoughts. Intermitent informative discourse. Proceed with caution.
I understand the risks
Images posted only when I seek validation. Funny "stories" and post match reviews for United fans.
Drown in the abyss
Data Visualisation
The Great Sichuan Earthquake
A geo-visualisation data story of the Sichuan earthquake of 2008 and how it came to be.
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Roles in Data Viz
Roles in Data Viz is a declarative data story on the various professions people involved in data visualisation take up and how they stack up against each other. Feel free to explore and make your own stories!
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F1 2018 WDC battle
An attempt at visualising the F1 2018 championship fight between Vettel and Hamilton in AR.
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Accidents in Mumbai 2014 ― 2018
This website brings to light the many deaths and injuries that result from the accidents that are so commonplace in India. There is a general lack of awareness about deaths, injuries and livelihoods lost resulting from accidents that are not traffic or railways related.
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A futuristic Formula One car
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iPhone (RED)s
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Mac Pro in its element
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A King like he's meant to be seen
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